Friday, February 13, 2009

Buffalo plane crash exposes big media's spin

Today's tragic plane crash in Buffalo, New York where 50 people, including one person on the ground, unnessarily died, reminded us once again about U.S. media's pro-corporation spin and extreme lack of pro-people ethics. Continental Connection Flight 3407 nosedived into a house in suburban Buffalo and exploded.

Just a month ago, on January 15, a U.S. Airways plane (Flight 1549) crash-landed on the icy Hudson river in New York; the passangers survived. However, instead of reporting on the airline's serious flaws that may have caused the near-disaster, U.S. media decided to put their spin on the gallant heroism of the pilot who crash-landed. Peoples' already-short attention span was successfully diverted from the cause by CNN, Fox, Times, and other news giants.

Without taking away the professionalism, efficiency and bravery of the 1549 pilot who was able to save lives, if big media had focused on the reasons behind the averted disaster, perhaps it would fix some of those safety holes -- almost always unchecked by corporations for profit reasons -- and save some precious lives today.

But that's not what will happen in this country. What's more, our governments and political establishment will now put more emphasis, as usual, on the sentimental side of the story. That's another tragedy!

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